Playgrounds x Refreshworks

Visiting the Playgrounds at the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven is an adventure every creative in the film or animation field needs..

October 8, 2021


Diederik Klever

Visiting the Playgrounds at the Klokgebouw in Eindhoven is an adventure every creative in the film or animation field needs to experience to get motivated and inspired by what industry-leading artists are doing. Our film and animation teams at Refreshworks were super psyched to experience the 3rd edition of Playgrounds The Art Department conference. There they got to hear indie artists and big league players tell their stories of inspiration, motivation and love for the field.

Artists like Nelson Lowry, a Production Designer from LAIKA who worked on stop-motion movies like ‘Missing Link’ and ‘Kubo and the Two Strings’, and Terryl Whitlatch, who worked on the creature design for the Star Wars movies, were there to share their motivation, inspiration and tips of how to remain true to yourself as an artist.

The Playgrounds had so much to offer for those who were visiting. From concept booths with art from Disney, LAIKA and MPC (who worked on the new Lion King movie), to the two stages with artists sharing their adventures within the field. Off-stage, our team browsed the beautiful action figures, art booths and even got a chance to fiddle around with the new Wacom.

Rob Mientjes, Animator

“It was an inspiring and exciting day at Playgrounds. We saw the most motivating artists in this industry. My favorite talk was by Laika Studios. They showed their latest stop motion animation film. It was amazing how much time they put into projects. I am enthusiastic and motivated to create beautiful animation projects. Mind-blowing moment: When Laika Studios showed how they animate rocks. They do it with rigs and then spend hours on post-production. That was really cool.”

Rikash Awadhpersad, Film & Production

“Playgrounds was motivational in different ways. It was interesting to see how the most important part of the creative process is finding yourself, and that can only be achieved by listening to yourself. I was mostly inspired by LAIKA and DNEG Studios. Both studios worked on amazing projects throughout their history. LAIKA with ‘Missing Link’ and DNEG with ’The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance. What really stuck with me was their work ethic. They showed us that as a creative you must take more than one path to find what a final product is going to look like.”

Diederik Klever - Creative Director

“It’s great to invite the team over to Playgrounds so that they can get inspired and find new solutions for our upcoming animation and film projects. We aim to reach the same world-class quality as those famous, inspiring animation studios.”

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